Pattern Construction Techniques - Brief Description:
Pattern construction is a fundamental process in garment design, where a flat pattern is created to guide the cutting and sewing of fabric into a garment. This process involves translating design concepts into workable patterns, and it typically includes the following key techniques:
Drafting: The process of creating patterns from scratch based on measurements or design specifications. This can be done manually with rulers and measuring tapes or using software for digital drafting.
Flat Patterning: A method where the pattern pieces are created in two dimensions on paper, based on measurements and design sketches. It involves creating basic blocks (basic shapes like bodices, sleeves, skirts) that are then modified for different styles.
Grading: This technique involves resizing a pattern to create different sizes while maintaining the correct proportions and fit.
Draping: A more advanced technique where fabric is draped directly on a dress form or mannequin to create patterns, allowing designers to see how the fabric behaves and adjust the design in real-time.
Pattern Modification: After creating a basic pattern, designers may modify it by adding darts, pleats, or other design elements to achieve a desired shape or style.
Notching and Marking: Notches, markings, and symbols are added to patterns to indicate where pieces should be sewn together, folded, or altered.
These techniques are essential for producing accurate and well-fitting garments, ensuring that designs are faithfully translated into wearable pieces.
- Teacher: Nicholas Obera